
Primitive tribes are left in Indonesia, but their life is full of HAPPINESS

Primitive tribes are left in Indonesia, but their life is full of happiness
The vast territory of Indonesia makes it difficult for the government to equally benefit the Indonesian people. While this may not be an excuse, in fact, sometimes distant locations cause some places to be isolated and difficult to access, even making them primitive tribes. Then the only "scapegoat" to be blamed in this case is the inequality of development in Indonesia.

But sometimes, the government is not entirely guilty about it. There are several places where the people or residents are deliberately uphold the customs they inherit from generation to generation from ancestors. Thus, in some parts of Indonesia, we will find backward tribes when viewed from modern glasses.
The Backward tribes in Indonesia

The Tribe Anak Dalam is also known as the Kubu tribe that still live in the middle of the forest, still believe in the ancient belief system, living nomadic alias moves, and some of them still worship the gods and spirits of the ancestors.

Turning to the eastern part of Indonesia, in Sulawesi, precisely in the forest Boliyahato, Gorontalo, there is still Polahi tribe who had never been in contact with the outer and very alienated life. They have no trust.

The various tribes in Indonesia are still underdeveloped in many ways. Some are backward in terms of education and development, usually due to difficult access or due to inadequate and inadequate transportation. But in addition, there are also some tribes who are still underdeveloped in technology. Whatever it is, they are part of us, the nation of Indonesia.

To add to your knowledge of the diversity of tribes and customs in Indonesia, some information on the underdeveloped tribes that still exist in Indonesia below may open your eyes to love more and get to know the real Indonesia.

Among the tribes that are still backward, the Anak Dalam Tribe in Sumatra region, which some time ago was visited by President Jokowi. His arrival to the Tribe Anak Dalam should be our atresias. But this is the true portrait of Indonesia. Although modernity has surrounded them, some of them still prefer to live the lifestyle they want and what their parents and ancestors taught.

The Tribe Anak Dalam is also known as the Kubu tribe that still live in the middle of the forest, still believe in the ancient belief system, living nomadic alias moves, and some of them still worship the gods and spirits of the ancestors.

Turning to the eastern part of Indonesia, in Sulawesi, precisely in the forest Boliyahato, Gorontalo, there is still Polahi tribe who had never been in contact with the outer and very alienated life. They have no trust.

Bintan regency. In Papua, there are still many backward tribes such as the Dani and the Bauzi tribe. In addition, there is also Togutil Tribe in Halmahera.
Informasi Lowongan Ini di Posting Oleh Tim Sumutjob.blogspot.com

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